1st State Treasurer: 1820-1821
John Peter Didier, the 1st State Treasurer, was born in 1753 in Gézier-et-Fontenelay, Franche-Comté, France, about 14 miles from Besançon, Franche-Comté, France. He was a prominent official of the
territorial government, and was appointed Fire Captain in 1811 by the St. Louis Board of Trustees. He then served as territorial treasurer from
Mr. Didier was appointed state treasurer in September 1820. There is no record of the salary he received. It is presumed the office was located in St.
Louis since there was no permanent building for a capitol, and the records show the first legislature met there. It has been suggested the influence
exerted by Mr. Didier's French friends in St. Louis, and adjoining counties, led to his appointment as state treasurer. The Constitution of Missouri
was signed at noon on Wednesday, July 19, 1820, and, although the state had not yet been admitted to the Union, the government was set up and completely
organized. At that time, there were no political parties in Missouri and officials were elected or appointed on an individual basis. All the appointees
understood they would resign when the new constitution went into effect; therefore Mr. Didier resigned in 1821.
He was married to Marie Elizabeth Mercier in Besancon, France on Nov. 15, 1773. Records indicate he died Aug. 25, 1823
John Peter Didier