25th State Treasurer: 1921-1925

Lorenzo Dow Thompson (Republican), the 25th State Treasurer, was born near Vandalia, Mo., on November 22, 1873.
His father was a Union soldier. He moved with his family to Callaway County in 1886, received his education in the public schools of Callaway County
and engaged in the general merchandise business in New Bloomfield for 23 years. President McKinley appointed him postmaster of New Bloomfield on Oct.
27, 1897.
He was nominated for state treasurer on Aug. 3, 1920, and was elected November 2. He received the annual salary of $3,000, and maintained an office
staff of 16. The records of 1923 include appropriations of salaries for a chief clerk, cashier-supervisor of accounts, five bookkeepers, a file clerk,
two stenographers, a blind pension clerk and clerks to assist with the soldier bonus fund. The contingent expenses fund received an additional $10,000
for "purchase and installment of new equipment, file cases, furnishings and such other improvements as are deemed necessary by the state treasurer for
the vaults and office of the state treasurer." An additional $2,000 was appropriated in 1923 for new equipment.
"L.D." as he was known, was nominated and elected state auditor in 1924, and re-elected in 1928. Upon retirement from political life he owned an
insurance agency in Jefferson City.
He was married on November 27, 1901 to Miss Ellen Bryan of New Bloomfield. They had two children. Mr. Thompson died Oct. 1, 1951, in Jefferson City.