9th State Treasurer: 1865-1869

According to the census, by 1860, he had real estate valued at $20,000 and was classified as a speculator. He was colonel of the Northeast Missouri
Home Guards in 1861.
Mr. Bishop was elected state treasurer in 1864 on the Radical Union Party ticket. The Radical Union Party prescribed to the "Iron-Clad" oath, which
swore its members to, "never by 'act or word' manifest [their] adherence to the cause of the enemies of the United States or a desire to triumph 'or
sympathy' for them." His salary remained at $3,000 annually, but his chief clerk and bookkeepers were raised to $1,500 per year and $2,800 was also
appropriated for contingent expenses.
His wife, Mary, was a native of Kentucky and they had three children. Mr. Bishop died May 2, 1879.