state capitol background
State of Missouri
Local Governments

General Revenue
Estimate (Revised)

$11.18 BILLION

FY 2022

Net General Revenue
(GR) Fund Receipts


FY 2022

Largest General
Revenue Source

Individual Income Tax

FY 2022

General Revenue Fund Receipts
FY 16 – Current, Daily Data

The State Treasurer's Office gathers the above data from the State's SAM II accounting system. The State of Missouri has over 400

active funds which collect, hold, and disburse its money. Most funds are established by the Constitution or General Assembly to show restrictions on the planned use of resources or to measure, in the short term, the revenues and expenditures arising from certain activities. This dashboard only includes data from the General Revenue (GR) Fund, the State's main fund that is used for many of its core expenditures. Tax refunds have not been subtracted from this data.


  • All revenue information is based on the State's fiscal cycle, which runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.
  • Information for prior fiscal years will not change after the close of the fiscal year.
  • Information is presented as originally processed.
  • Data may not reconcile to other reports due to differences in data timing and inclusion.
  • While all of the information contained on this site is an open record in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law (Ch. 610, RSMo), there may be additional public records available regarding this data. Additional records can be obtained by making a Sunshine request to the appropriate records custodian(s) in the agency that possesses the documents in accordance with the law.
General Revenue Fund Receipts
FY 07 – FY 15, Monthly Data

The State Treasurer's Office gathers the above data from reports from the Office of Administration, Division of Budget and Planning.

The State of Missouri has over 400 active funds which collect, hold, and disburse its money. Most funds are established by the Constitution or General Assembly to show restrictions on the planned use of resources or to measure, in the short term, the revenues and expenditures arising from certain activities. This dashboard only includes data from the General Revenue (GR) Fund, the State's main fund that is used for many of its core expenditures. Tax refunds have not been subtracted from this data.


  • All revenue information is based on the State's fiscal cycle, which runs from July 1 through June 30 each year.
  • Information for prior fiscal years will not change after the close of the fiscal year.
  • Information is presented as originally processed.
  • Data may not reconcile to other reports due to differences in data timing and inclusion.
  • While all of the information contained on this site is an open record in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law (Ch. 610, RSMo), there may be additional public records available regarding this data. Additional records can be obtained by making a Sunshine request to the appropriate records custodian(s) in the agency that possesses the documents in accordance with the law.

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